Sunday, August 2, 2009

Last Picture Update

I promised this update and here it is. I'll write some about my overall experience later this week.

Left: A typical taxi to the village.

Left: Cocoa trees with ripe pods on them.

Left: Backfilling bucket brigade at the tanks.

Left: Tap stand at Boa Camp. This quarter is already enjoying the water.

Left: An awesome waterfall we found on the last couple of days in the village.

Left: Becoming an elder in the village.

Left: Giving money to the performers.

Left: Traditional African juju dancing.

Left: The three of us with Mr. Benjamin, the engineer.

Left: Our big happy village family.

Left: The outside of the Raf-cut Motel (where we stayed in the village.

Left: The inside of our room.

Left: Jugs full of palm wine.

Left: One for the road on our last day in the village.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Safe and sound in the USA

I got back on US soil yesterday afternoon. It's been a crazy couple of days between catching up with family and friends. I'll probably post pictures tomorrow afternoon.