Happy birthday to my sister today. I celebrated by laying 161 pipes. We had a much younger crew today and plenty of pipe glue. Sunny weather was also a welcome sight. Our only major obstacle was the stream crossing area. That quarter returned to dig through the mud as we connected the pipes. After conquering the stream crossing, we really rolled. By day’s end, we had reached Boa Camp with the pipeline. All of this took place in under five hour’s time. I was sooooooo tired after today. We’ve put in two long days of work with at least a couple more days to go.
Wednesday June 24, 2009

I tried to play some soccer in the evening. Within a few minutes I realized how much the work had worn on me. I made a lazy play on defense and essentially gave up a goal. I quickly subbed out in embarrassment and trudged back to the house. We chilled at the palm wine bar across the street after dinner. Mark, Brian, Julius, and I sang songs back and forth with some local girls. Each group would take its turn and try to out do the other. Some of the highlights included Backstreet Boys, Usher, KC and JoJo, Journey (of course), and for our grand finale….the Macarena!
Above left: Making pancakes in the morning
Above right: Our friend Wally the wall gecko visits us every night
Below left: Gary and fish soup, a traditional Cameroonian meal
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